Gallery of work - Turned Work
Gallery 1
See Gallery 2 below
Lacework vase, olive wood Size in cms Height: 18 Width: 9
Erikas root vase Size in cms Height: 18 Width: 11
Eucalyptus vase with pyrography detail Size in cms Height: 29 Width: 15
Carob vase with texturing 16.5 cm high, 13 cm wide
Spalted Walnut vase Size in cms Height: 16 Width: 12
Olive wood vase with carved top Size in cms Height: 18 Width: 9
Wave edge vase, oak Size in cms Height: 19 Width: 15
Olive wood. This can be either a bowl or a sculpture depending on how you position it Size in cms Height: 24 Width: 24
Olive wood hollow form, 26 cm high, 19cm wide
Gallery 2
Natural edge pierced olive wood hollow form
Ficus Benjamin hollow form, with decorative work
Olive wood bowl, with piercing Size in cms Height: 11 Width: 12
Eucalyptus vase, pierced and scorched Size in cms Height: 14 Width: 10
Mastic root vase Size in cms Height: 22 Width:19
Turned vase, pyrography detail, walnut Size in cms Height: 14 Width:11
Olive root vase From a tree approximately 300 years old, 15cm high by 19cm wide
Carob vase with carved and scorched detail, 1o cm high, 11 cm wide
Carob vase 12 cm high, 18 cm wide
Mulberry vase 12cm high, 18cm wide
Carob wood natural edge bowl Size in cms Height: 12 Width: 13
Mastic root bowl Size in cms Height: 4 Width: 12 Price in €: 120
Carob wood bowl Size in cms Height: 5 Width: 13
Erikas root bowl Size in cms Height: 5 Width: 12
Olive wood bowl, 50 cm diameter x 15 cm high
Olive wood natural edge bowl with pyrography detail Size in cms Height: 4 Width: 18
Olive wood bowl with pyrography and texturing detail 5 cm high by 13cm wide
Oak wood bowl Coloured, scorched and pierced. 14cm wide by 10cm high
Olive wood vase Size in cms Height: 7 Width: 11
Spalted walnut hollow form with lid Size in cms Height: 14 Width: 17
Three vases Eucalyptus 13 cm wide 9.5 cm high Norfolk Pine 12 cm wide 24 cm high Plywood 13 cm wide 13.5 cm high
Olive wood bowl with carved detail on the edges. 170mm wide, 60mm high.
Erikas root vase with brass filler